
What is Grass?

Grass is a layer 2 rollup that is used by the AI industry to access training data. With a global network of web scraping nodes, it sources data from the public web before processing it into structured datasets and proving its origin on chain. This infrastructure is the world’s first sovereign data rollup.

Nodes are operated by internet users in over 190 countries, who are rewarded for their participation. This allows people all over the world to earn a stake in the AI revolution. The result is a pipeline for fully equipped datasets that advance artificial intelligence while equitably distributing the value of AI.

How does Grass support the growth of AI?

To train an AI model requires large amount of training data. The easiest place to find this is on the internet, but it can be difficult to access from commercial data centers. A decentralized network works best.

This is where Grass comes in. Grass can be used to scrape many kinds of data from the public web and produce structured datasets that can be read by AI models. Without this training data, AI can’t exist, so Grass is the first step in any AI development: the Data Layer of AI.

What is Wynd Labs?

Wynd Labs contributes to the growth of the Grass network in a variety of ways. They are working to make AI transparent, ethical, and fair, and Grass is one of the ways they’re attempting to do this.

Last updated